Friday, April 06, 2007

Where's my Hamish?

the pictures speak for themselves: the fun started when radio went to meet the cutest puppy (which of course is no other than hamish), to play play play play drop for a few minutes play play dribble on floor (because puppys need to pee more often, something this owner has nearly forgotten) play play play, by now even radio is getting tired (momentarily) play play....hamish tired (momentarily) play play play.

hamish is now officially this radio's favourite canine pal (never mind that hamish's owners are quite amazing cooks and hosts and well, have a big garden and really nice friends and don't laugh at our blog).


redgirls-in-scotland said...

It's only a matter of time. Style icon Radio and his amazing friends. Heat. Hello. OK. Grazia. Centre spreads. Yes.

And by the way we noticed divine sweet peas on table. WHERE d'ya get them. In April ??

Oh yes. London. Sigh.

Ps redgirls loved radio in the church. It was like one of those Swiss weather things.

Charlie said...

Laugh at blog? Laugh? Noo - noone would do that?

redgirls-in-scotland said...

Yes little charlie wise beyond your years .. radio's blog just the best. He a batty boy. Redgirls giggle and laugh and love. We adore your blog too by the way.