Wednesday, December 05, 2007

IBD trial camera up the bum - Myositis return....

this is a classic example of take your dog to the vet and come home without one. we took radio to have his examination at the specialist hospital because he's been off all drugs now.

and they kept him in to put a camera up his bottom and throat and to cut a little piece out from each to see the cellular changes inside of him. he is now enrolled on a research programme and they will do genetic tests and more.....

during all the tests they confirmed that his polymyositis has returned, and he'll be on medication again, and will have to be withdrawn from the trial.

i can collect him today or tomorrow, and he won't have eaten for 4 whole days and will be like charlie morph i imagine. should they find abnormailities then perhaps we found a possible connection between his other illness and IBD. but since the polymyositis is back it looks as if its all part of a compromised immune system, and more of a "was the egg before the hen" kind a thing.

home feels empty without him.


redgirls-in-scotland said...

Oh Andrea and Lasse

Big big hug. Can only begin to imagine how quiet and empty the house feels without Mr Top Man. Methinks your kitty babies will be getting evem more cuddles than usual.

Fantastic news that the QMHA are investigating links between Radio's IBD and his other illness. What a trail blazer your boy is and how useful the conclusions will be. Am thinking of you and him (and can only imagine the mutual ecstasy when you get to see him again)

Love Di XX

Charlie said...

Oooh boo poor Radio. I think you should use your radio-less time to go shopping for lots of new clothes and toys for him. It would be rude not to. Hope he can eat MASSES when he comes home cos I know just how misererable it is being skinny - even if the modelling offers DO pile in :-(

Radio said...'s ck levels are up, which could mean myositis is coming back...will know for sure tomorrow after another round of tests.

Anonymous said...

its confirmed, radio has myositis again. he'll be taken off the trial and put back on steroids.....shame that his body can't cope.

Hamish said...

Steven and I can't believe this horrible news. Poor, poor Radio and poor, poor Lasse and Andrea having to go through all that worry again. We miss him being around and it's not been so long since we were in the park together - one week ago exactly and he was in such good form it seemed. So glad Hamish can't understand he couldn't bear it if his mentor got really sick and couldn't play with him and show him how to be a grown up Vizsla. lots of love and hugs. xxx

Hamish said...

Steven and I can't believe this horrible news. Poor, poor Radio and poor, poor Lasse and Andrea having to go through all that worry again. We miss him being around and it's not been so long since we were in the park together - one week ago exactly and he was in such good form it seemed. So glad Hamish can't understand he couldn't bear it if his mentor got really sick and couldn't play with him and show him how to be a grown up Vizsla. lots of love and hugs. xxx

Anonymous said...

I am so so so sorry to hear about it returning Radio. I don't have much to say except to repeat what everyone else has said.

Huge hugs and cuddles to all the family and Radio when he comes home.

Thinking of you
Anna and Ziggi and Pesto