Monday, March 26, 2007


Getting up at 7am, brushing me teeth, coming back to find a sneaky red monster has taken my place...?
Whereas pup Charlie Morph goes to silver and gold 'citizens' classes to learn where 'bed' is, this Radio knew this well before he ever went to dog training. For the record, this Radio is not allowed in the bed but attempts to master the art of sneaking in undetected (Lasse is a heavy sleeper so doesn't notice, not such luck with me)


Charlie said...

Oooh Radio I think I've been missing out big time. Carpet schmarpet! My bed does have nice paw prints on it though?

redgirls-in-scotland said...

Sneak in whenever you can Radio! It's every vizsla's RIGHT to get under the duvet sometimes. (I believe it's written into our constitution)
BTW we are mighty glad that you are not sleeping with doberlady.