Sunday, March 11, 2007

Guerilla Gardening

As an act of support with Manor gardens Allotment being eradicated by the Olympic Village Radio has decided to take up the art of gardening. Radio has always had an interest in 'radical' politics. at this moment it is 'direct action' that is the focus of his attention.


Brisztow Jones said...

Good work Radio! And for fertilizer, perhaps you can use some of my bio-baggies that I am working on over here. Shall I send some to you? Just teasing!

Brisztow Jones

redgirls-in-scotland said...

Redgirls too love gardening. Landscaping, thinning,double digging and pruning rare shrubs are our favourites. Sometimes we feel hurt though when she seems not to appreciate the help that we give.

Celtglass said...

You signed my boy Lester the Vizsla's guestbook on Feb 20th ( We love Radio and hope to hear more about his adventures! Lester is very jealous that Radio gets to go so many places and do so many interesting things. Now I have to get moving and take him places..thanks! :-)

Anonymous said...

the biodigradable poop bags are GREAT! regarding the landscaping - here it is more a cat thing, we plant and each new plant box the cat decides to sleep in til its squashed to death and then cat moves to next new emerging plant. cat then invites cat friends to do the same. radio simply watches (will try to cath a pic)

Anonymous said...

Lester, judging from your pic you are a great gardener too!!!